Viva Chile
I find myself in the Coquimbo Region of Chile, surrounded by the Andes Mountains and miles on miles of vineyards in this valley with...
Frozen America
I somehow feel selfish when I catch a glimpse of the news titled “Frozen America”, as I sit on the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula in...
Slow Train Playlist
I'm riding the slow train, rounding the mountain curves and valleys, crossing from Pennsylvania into West Virginia. My window offers...
Loutraki, Greece ... an experienced traveler?
After returning from Europe, I began to reflect on my journey. This one was very different from the ones that preceded it. On some...
San Gusmé, Italy impossible to capture in a photo or video
San Gusmé is a tiny village in the Tuscany Region of Italy. It is surrounded by a wall and a few arched entrances and has a population...
San Marco, Venice Italy
I was asked if I had a request. So I asked for Andrea Bocelli and so as they played Andrea for Jim from America, I realized I was being ...
20,000 residents buried alive!
I was amazed when I visited the city of Pompeii. Many already know the history. But to visit Pompeii is a moving experience. This city...
In the Center of the Arch
I’ve walked way to far in the hot, late afternoon sun. I am sweating beyond comfort and my feet hurt, but I feel like I need to visit...
I felt like a school kid in trouble
Alex was the caretaker of the cottage we were staying at in Loutraki, Greece. We asked him if he could arrange a ride from there to...
A Trip on the EuroStar
The wake up call came at 6:00AM and was louder than a school bell. Although I woke just minutes before the call, I’d dosed a bit just ...